We've partnered with clients that perform a wide range of applications. Our
core markets include the following:

Academic Research: 

We've assisted clients with experimental or theoretical work undertaken to
acquire new knowledge without a specific application.

Homeland Security: 

We have the expertise to detect, identify, and confirm explosives, chemical
warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals. In addition, we have the
capacity to measure a broad spectrum of organic chemicals in the country's
air, soil, water, and food supplies.


We have the expertise to detect, identify, and confirm explosives, chemical
warfare agents, and toxic industrial chemicals. In addition, we have the
capacity to measure a broad spectrum of organic chemicals in the country's
air, soil, water, and food supplies for applications ranging from the
battlefield to base compliance.

You can request more information for any of these markets by placing your
request in email link below.

[email protected]

Or call: 765-775-1701